Enhance your control over your own health
The experience of juice cleansing or doing a detox diet is truly inspiring and educational. Many people need to be guided and supported through a cleanse or detox process only once. Then, in the future, they find they are able to do it on their own. But many find it helpful to do it in a group each year and find it increases their success.
Learn to change Habits with this Course
Giving your body a fourteen day break from bad habits can be very beneficial. This program gives you a couple of days of preparation and a couple of days to transition back into eating. You can apply what you learn to change your habits on an on-going basis, which will improve your energy and vitality.
Stay Healthy through Cleansing
This course provides you with options to do a detox diet or a juice cleanse. Either way, giving your body a break will help you find ways to achieve lifelong health and quality aging; consistent energy in your daily life; and help in treating many medical problems and preventing degenerative disease.