The Desire for a Fresh Start
This webinar will offer you a way to at look at different aspects of your life to see where growth and changes can be made in 2025. It will show you how to rebalance your health after the over-indulgences of the holiday season and set a course for greater vitality in the coming months.
The 5 Keys to Staying Healthy
Begin by assessing your lifestyle in these 5 Key areas - NUTRITION, EXERCISE, STRESS, SLEEP and ATTITUDE - and then follow guidance from Dr. Haas about how to improve in each area and create the foundation for better health in 2025. Set your goals for the year ahead.
90 Minute Webinar plus Q&A
Building on the foundation of physical health through the 5 Keys, Dr. Haas will explore how to make positive changes that will improve your well-being on the emotional, mental and spiritual levels of your being. There will also be an opportunity to interact with Dr. Haas during the class.